Doruk’s Cats - Through the Streets of Istanbul

Doruk’s Cats - Through the Streets of Istanbul

Elementary A2 | 400 Headwords | Real Lives

Toros Öztürk

Doruk, a ten-year-old Turkish boy, loves cats and wants to have a nice cat.
He listens to Aunt Banu’s advice and starts looking for a cat in Istanbul streets. His journey is very exciting. He learns some stories about the historical places in Istanbul. He learns a lot about cats, too. Will he find a cat he likes? Or will a nice cat “choose him”? Join Doruk’s journey that is full of surprises in Istanbul.

Vocabulary words : Places, food and Turkish food
Grammar and Structure : Present & Past simple (regular, irregular verbs), Present & Past progressive (continuous), Present perfect simple, Future with will/going to, I’d like, Imperatives (positive), Verb + ing/infinitive, Comparative of adjectives, Let’s…, Modals can, must, should

Art and History | Places | Story telling | Friendship


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TitleISBN code
Title Doruk’s Cats - Through the Streets of Istanbul ISBN code
ISBN 9788853631763


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