In Real Lives Series, aimed at Young A2 and Teen A2-B1 readers, real children and teenagers from different countries and continents present their daily life and environment. The series is specifically geared towards Global Awareness, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Collaboration as fundamental Soft Skills and Global Citizenship topics for today’s learners.
- Presentation pages of the main characters, their countries they live in and environment, with all their unique features including local culture and traditions.
- The reader is invited to jump into their real world, with the help of stunning authentic photographs: family, moments and illustrations of aspects of everyday life (such as school, play, meals, work and free time).
- Activities on the four skills and tasks related to 2030 Agenda, Soft Skills and to Global citizenship topics are presented after each chapter.
- Many titles are the result of cooperation between ELi and a specific NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation), to which ELi donates a part of the proceeds for relevant development and aid projects.
- Topics and exercises to develop critical thinking and collaboration, looking at things from different perspectives and topics to generate skills to debate and discuss in class.
- ELi LINK App to access the multimedia files to practise the listening and pronunciation skills.